Wednesday, October 30, 2013

GAH! I need to get better about posting here. So ..yeah, a lot of things going on as of late. The Bod Squad is still going strong, there are 6 of us now. Psi, Stephen, Minimil, Cyra, Zarah, and myself. We don't always perform together, lately it's been 3 or 4 of us performing at any time. We're still grooving to Ganjo on Wednesday nights at The Brick. Yes, Ganjo is still our favorite musician, and still our only regular performing artist who performs live @The Brick. It's ok though, RL has kept me from adding more performers. It's not about the money anyway, not that I'm making any as a venue older. But that's neither here or there..I'm happy, people come to dance, and we have some awesome music going on whether it's Ganjo singing live, or Psi playing some awesome tunes during his dj gig following Ganjo's live performance, or just listening to the radio station I have it regularly set to when nothing else is going on. So what else is up? I joined a dance troupe earlier this year, called It Girlz & Fellas Dance group. I've performed in 3 of their shows so far, and I love it! I don't dance in RL(I really miss it too), so I am definitely making up for it here inworld! Anyway, thought you'd enjoy an update. Hope to be better about keeping up with the blog for 2014! Here's hoping anyway :) MUAHS!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Updates...looks like we need updates!

Well, been a while hasn't it? Let's see...last week The Brick turned 4! That's right, 4 years old as of March 6, 2012..and I totally spaced it. Was busy planning on the party for Ganjo Mokeev's cd release! So, tomorrow, March 14th we will be partying up at The Brick(as usual, but)for our 4th anniversary party! We will be doing an 80's theme because that is where the Brick started those many years ago..ok yeah, 4 years is a longggg time in SL years, just so you know.
We updated the look of the club again, some 6 or more months ago. I added a store above as I began to create clothing. Nothing spectacular, but I finally did what I had been wanting to do since almost starting on SL.
On the rooftop is Ganjo's own venue, "Paco's at The Brick". It is for him to book his own taste in talent. I only help and manage..and host :) It's what I seem to do best, besides dance!
I was in a music video last month too. You can see it on Youtube..( It's called "Waking Up, Pt. 2). I am one of the crowd, walking around the dancer in the first few minutes of the video.
Let's see what else? Ganjo finally release his 3rd album..named "Six String Drive". It includes the megahit "Phat Daddy"!
You can buy it here: (
So much more I'm sure I'm leaving out..but that is all for tonight. I promise to be better about keeping this blog up!
Stay tuned!

Monday, November 16, 2009

2 years old...

Saturday, Nov. 14 was my 2nd birthday inworld. Does that make me old? I
think in virtual terms I am no longer the spring chicken. It doesn't make
me a veteran either.
Last year, when I turned 1, I held a huge party at The Brick to celebrate
this milestone. I had 7 music performances scheduled, even though the first
on the schedule didn't show I had 6 hours of great music provided by
some of Second Life's most talented artists.
This year, however, I didn't have a party, at least not like that first year,
and the reason being, I honestly didn't want to spend time and money on getting
the entertainment for the party set. After a busy RL day on my actual rez day,
I am glad I didn't. The plan, was not to have a party, but maybe just a few friends
over at The Brick with some funk music and dancing. No invites were sent, other than
when the time felt right to switch the stream did I decide to call on people.
I just started iming whoever was online. I wasn't disappointed in the turnout. I had 16 people show up...ok, so maybe 3 of them weren't on my invite list, they were people who just showed up at the club because, well, it is public. Still, it was great to not have one person complain about the music. They all danced, we all chatted with each other if not much, still, it was a social night.
About an hour and half into this little gathering, people started to fade out, and leave. I didn't mind it too much, because for an hour and half they stayed and "partied". It was a good time.
Later, my favorite person inworld showed up, and the night was made perfect by the 3 hours of dancing that followed.
Happy Rez day, indeed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Some are good, some aren't so good.

Changes to the club, usually good.
Changes to friendships, usually not.
Changes in schedules, usually good.

My real life has taken a higher precedence in my schedule, so I'm not on SL as often as I used to be. Not only that, but there are other reasons why I choose, that's right, CHOOSE not to be inworld as often as before:

If I'm not online as often, I don't shop, therefore, I don't spend lindens.
If I don't spend my lindens, I don't have to struggle every week to pay for things I have to pay every week inworld.
If I'm not online as often, I find I am not as bored as I have been for months now. SL is simply not as fun as I found it to be the first year or so I was inworld. I find the less time I am on there, the more my absence is noted, and it makes those inworld friends want to chat you up the next time you are there.
If I'm not online as often, there isn't any drama to deal with, unless some stupid griefer decided to leave junk on my parcels.
If I'm not online as often, my friends actually miss me, and yes, I do miss them.

I expect that one change an affect the other. If I'm not online as often, I can see how some of my friendships could change. I would hope that if there are any changes to them, that they will be for the better. Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
We'll see.

I've cut down on shopping(ok, so I have the occasional splurge),how much land I own, and how many people I trust, it seems less is better.

Can it be I'm becoming boring in my 2 years inworld? Or has SL lost it's appeal..

The holidays are coming up...maybe that will put me in a better mood inworld, we'll see!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More updates!

Sorry for the lapse in posts. I've been busy inworld and off!
Funny, I know you're gonna laugh. The last post had to do with makeovers at the Brick, and today, I'm gonna sound like Polly the parrot.
I did it again, I renovated The Brick, and I do mean renovate!
I took the roof and top floor off the building. I then retextured walls and floors in adobe and brick. It looks a bit meditteranean! Added some plants, put some of the posters back, added a pavillion outside for more dance room, and added an exterior entry wall with gate. I'm quite pleased. I think I'm done renovating for a while.
Come and check it out.
As far as I go, I'm doing pretty good. I'm selling off land I don't need and cutting back on how much I spend on SL. I spend way too much.
Hanging out with the few friends I have on SL..that's what I look forward to going inworld.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Catching up....

Ok, maybe not totally "catching up" but I could try!
The Brick has been through a few renovations(I know, I know) in a few short months. I've changed the carpet and walls more than a couple of times, added lights, taken out lights, added more dances to the dance balls, added dance ball, chimeras, removed chimeras, etc. I think the people's heads are spinning from all the constant change. It isn't because I'm bored. Lately every Sunday we've been having a themed night to go along with Noma Falta's gig at The Brick every Sunday night. Some of the changes to the club are to go with the themes, other times it's just because I feel like something needs to be changed.
The themes themselves have been fun. We've had "fishing" theme once, and the last theme we had was "Football" night. People are getting into the spirit of dressing up and that makes it all worthwhile. We HAVE fun.
The Brick was moved back to the furthest wall to give way to more room in front. I have moved the building a few times in the year I've had the club there at Atlit. This time I decided that that nice sized area in back was really being wasted, although I did create a small garden back there that was originally intended to hold weddings(that idea quickly died when my first would-be client wasn't happy with the 98 prims I was allowing her to decorate with(after I had already decorated with pavillion, benches..and quite nicely, thank you) it was just a memorial garden of sorts with a pond for most of the remaining year. I moved the Brick back and opened up the front to add some of those flowers, and created photo stands to display some of my inworld portraits and photography. I've had a couple of friends admire my work and they encouraged me to do something about my work, so there it is. I'm still not sure if I want to do portraits full time. I don't want my time on SL to be completely about work, I am busy with The Brick as it is..but the club doesn't really earn money, and maybe my photography will.
Ah well. More soon, I promise.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Retro TV Star Night!!

I've been encouraged to hold themed nights @ the club, so Sunday night was "Retro TV Star" night. Turnout for the event was great(full house). About 6-8 people, including myself dressed up for it. Great time was had. People stayed around an hour after it ended!
We'll have to see what we do next!